How to know if you are an Overprotective Parent
Mostly, overprotective parents want to give protection to their children from harm, hurt, unhappiness, rejection, pain, and experiences that are bad. When a person hears the parents give explanations like that it sounds like it is admirable but people need to have a closer look at the experiences that the children are going through. It puts the parents in a hard position of admitting what they really fear for their children. Parents who are overprotective envision fear in many situations and putting the fear on the kids’ leads to the creation of a child who is emotional and anxious.
The focus of helicopter parenting is on parents and not on the children. The age that we are living in is highly comparative and informed. People may find themselves in parenting on the grounds of anxiety in situations where people are susceptible. Such people are always hovering on any move made by their children. In some cases the worry is not about the kids but about ensuring that the parent is well represented. Individuals should be excellent when it comes to parenting which makes them reluctant in seeing their kids fail. But parents need to ask themselves if they are really shielding the children from failure because they are good parents or they just want people to see them as good parents.
Overprotective parents give dues to children using credit cards while healthy parenting will let the children work for it. Parenting that is healthy involves a process of giving guidance, support, and training the healthy growth of a child and development that is mental, social and emotional in a way that will make the children depend on themselves. Parents who speak for their children are overprotective through answering questions that are directed to the children. Such parents make excuses when their child behaves badly and believe that the children need to be given second chances in mistakes that they make.
Such parents feel that they have the obligation of helping their kids to rise on ranks that are socially accepted. Because of the constant talks on how their children are good, it creates a situation where parents look more of agents instead of just being parents. Additionally, the parents are frequent visitors at school to be updated on the performances of the children. However, children need to be allowed to be children and not create children who are perfectly decorated.
Overprotective parenting results in the creation of a situation where children are trying to escape. In the end, they realize that there is no way of escaping because of the fear which is already instilled in them is part of the way in which they are thinking. It is not an effective way of parenting considering that it does not instill values and virtues in a child.