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Guide On How to Cope As a Dual Caregiver
If you are taking care of your parents and children then you are a member of the sandwich generation which is estimated to be at least 47{edfc94664920815ddf8c454fc382bed4bb715253b36c952343ff63b444c16935} of adults. Most of the adults and getting quite stressed out since they have a lot of responsibilities and face unique challenges every day. Dorothy Miller created the term sandwich generation and their different signs that help you know if you are part of the growing demographic.

Most of the sandwich generation are aged 40 to 50 years and have financial responsibility for older children. Research has shown that the sandwich generation have full-time jobs on top of caring for their family but more responsibilities for on the women than men. People in this generations are more likely to be affected by the situation since they are under a lot of pressure.

Dual caregivers might extend their financial care to grandchildren or grandparents, so they are referred to as club sandwich caregivers. A person in the sandwich generation usually has lower work performance since they have a lot of commitments. The sandwich generation caregiver is usually tired and stressed out because of the work and family pressure, but companies are addressing the situation by giving them benefits.

The companies ensure they provide health incentives for the worker can take care of themselves and different financial planning workshop since they have to manage the money properly. Since there is more awareness regarding sandwich generation caregivers you can discuss with their human resource manager or check the benefits booklet for employees in your company to check out different offers. The sandwich generation caregivers are encouraged to visit a therapist regularly so they can learn healthy coping skills since research has shown they have high stress levels.

You can take advantage of after-school programs or talk to your family member so they can understand your situation and support you. There are multiple support groups in your local area or online that will help you go through tough situations since you’ll meet people who face the same challenges and understand your position. Learning how to deal with elderly parents is essential especially because they need physical and emotional support due to their failing health condition.

Sometimes kids are affected by the obligations of a dual caregiver especially financially since their parents spend all the money as soon as they get it. The dual caregiver must learn that they also have dreams and obligations for learning to say no to different expectations of your children and elderly is important plus take time off and relax so you can know what you should focus on.