Factors that should be Considered to Avoid Occurrence of Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer is a progressive brain condition which affects mostly the older people and it slowly erases memory function of a person. People suffering from Alzheimer disease undergo a number of effects such as inability to perform tasks, impairment with language and communication and also leading to eventually memory loss of a person. If not managed well Alzheimer can lead to death and thus the following are tips to help one prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer and other dementia types of diseases.
It is important for one to keep a regular routine of exercises as they help in preventing occurrence of Alzheimer disease. Research on the importance of regular exercise indicates that a good and well done exercise can reduce or prevent Alzheimer up to 50 percent chances. Research also indicates that regular exercise helps in stimulating the brains ability to maintain old connection of memories and also creating room for new memories. Brains health is maintained by developing muscles which keep pumping the brain thus the importance of regular exercises to develop such muscles.
To prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer disease one should learn on how to manage stress, since stress leads to brain shrinkage of key memory area hampering brain cell growth. To be able to prevent occurrence of Alzheimer, its important for one to practice simple stress management tips. Stress is not good to the bodys metabolic functioning thus it is advisable for one to avoid stress at early ages to avoid occurrence of Alzheimer in future.
Quality sleep is important since it helps in preventing the occurrence of Alzheimer and through research it is indicated that people who luck enough sleep are likely to suffer Alzheimer or any other dementia related disease. Formation of a sticky brain clogging is as a result of poor sleep which is a risk factor of being infected by Alzheimer in future thus for one to prevent the clogging of the sticky formation in the brain, one should have quality sleep at all times. One should establish regular sleep schedule to help reinforce natural circadian rhythms which is important in memory formation. Alzheimer symptoms are associated with bad moods and slow thinking and luck of enough sleep leads to slow thinking likewise to change in mood thus one should try and avoid lucking sleep.
Dementia and other related diseases such as Alzheimer can be prevented through eating a well-balanced and healthy diet. Alzheimer is regarded as diabetes of the brain and a healthy diet help in developing and protecting the brain. its also important for one to avoid smoking. When it comes to preventing occurrence of Alzheimer its important for people who drink to do it in moderation.